Be part of the cause.
The I AM Mission
“One Sunday at miracle mile, I was allowed to SEE and HEAR the impact GIVING someone their affirmation did for them.
I had 2 extra shirts, one said I AM BEAUTIFUL and the other was I AM STRONG.
We were led to two women and gave them the shirts. Once received, the emotion of brokenness and gratitude filled up them….why? Because someone else saw them as strong and beautiful when they couldn’t themselves.
Not only was it well received, it opened the door for prayer and to receive the Lord.
Yes it’s “just a T-shirt”. BUT. EVERYTHING. I. DO. HAS. INTENTION. AND. PURPOSE. I knew this was the direction we needed to go with the I AM collection.
When you AFFIRM people who may not see themselves past trying and hopeful, we are reminding them we SEE more in you to keep going.
Every week we made a commitment to give the people of Miracle Mile [for those unfamiliar, it’s the addicted homeless community of all ages and backgrounds] an I AM shirt of positive reinforcement affirmations.
Every week will be a different affirmation to give out every Sunday. This is Sunday’s chosen affirmations.
If you would like to be part of the mission, click on the link below and JOIN TODAY for $5 a month!
Appreciate y’all!
About 3 weeks ago, Joseph from Miracle Mile gave his life back to the Lord and attended service. He wanted his shirt to say “not giving up”. As we were heading out he wanted to change it to “not EVER giving up”. He wanted to make sure we didn’t forget the word EVER.
We got you Joseph.
I AM fashion show.
The I AM collection is a visual representation of our reaffirmation and owning who we are created to be and have always been. The person wearing the T-shirt is not only wearing a T-shirt but owning the identity that comes with the affirmation on it. Additionally, gifting the shirt tells the recipients how the gifter sees them. I AM gives us all an opportunity to communicate and share who we are without the need to many words or qualifiers. We just ARE, I JUST AM.
This was our second show of 2023 at Restoration City Church out of Boston, MA for the Christmas Eve service.
Be part of the cause
It’s more than just a T-shirt, it’s a brand with a purpose to bring mental health awareness through events such as fashion shows and ministry. Our goal and mission is to reach out into different venues and events and bring confidence through affirmations and awareness in every city. We believe we can make start the conversation of awareness just by one t-shirt. Be part of this cause for only $5 a month.